September 26, 2010

nolan - milwaukee children's photographer

Little Nolan was 8.5 months of pure cute. Our session at Grant Park served as a perfect backdrop for this kiddo... except for one MINOR detail. Nolan... likes to eat ev.ah.ree.thing. A few minutes into our session, after pulling grass from his hands every now and then, Nolan started coughing. We initially thought he had a piece of grass in the throat, having snuck it by us... but... when it made its way out... it was actually a leaf. A pretty large leaf at that. And I still don't think any of us have any idea when he had the time to eat it. Oh, kids.

After the leaf incident, the rest of the session went smoothly. We wandered the park and had a few wardrobe changes (lots of well dressed kiddos this week!).

Enjoy your preview!

I had some AMAZING eyes to work with this week!

I always love doing family shots with small kiddos - I end up with a series of one parent looking at child, both parents looking at child, everyone looking at eachother... and, occasionally, everybody looking at the camera :)

minor meltdown, quickly quelled by the power of cheerios.

baby on the move :)


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