January 18, 2000

how we roll...

on weddings...
we want you to work with us not just because you like our pictures, but because you like US! whether we are photographing your wedding or your new little one - we're capturing an important part of your story - which, to us, is SO awesome. so, let's be friends!

while we take our work very seriously, and keep the workflow moving [especially on a wedding day], we also keep the mood light. if people aren't having fun, it shows in the pictures. a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere allows us to deliver a solid product - and have a little fun in the process...

on families...
our kid & family sessions are VERY laid back. our goal is to capture that spark that makes each child unique, so... we let them run around, we play [we may even stick our tongues out, you've been warned] - photos of kids being kids are our personal faves. trust us, they'll be yours too.

on newbies...
We like to take our time with newbie sessions. Depending on how sleepy baby is, newborn sessions can take 2-4 hours. Newbie sessions work out best when booked within the first week of life, when baby is still a squishy, furry little ball of sleepiness. We come to you for these shoots, no need to even change out of your sweatpants [we've been there, we know].
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