September 26, 2010

liam - milwaukee children's photographer

Oh Liam, you made me smile our entire session. From your shy grin to your awesome wardrobe, everything about your session was perfect. Well, except for maybe the weather...

Liam's 1 year session was at South Shore park. I met up with baby boy and his mom & dad around 5 on Tuesday. If you remember Tuesday last week, then you remember it was crazily, unseasonably warm. It was also stormy in the evening. As we started out session, Liam's mom and I warily watched the skies as we flew thru outfits and from spot to spot. We'd planned a cake smash for the end of the session. It started to sprinkle as Liam stripped down to the diaper. About 3 minutes into the session, Liam lost interest in the cake smash, and as we cleaned up and started to head to our cars, a bolt of lightning struck, and a downpour followed - good thing we wrapped when we did.

Enjoy your preview!

80 degrees at the end of September? Rock awn.

sigh... those eyes ;)

do you love this little rocker outfit?!?


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