October 1, 2010

The Arnold Family - Milwaukee Family Photographer

On Sunday, I shot the Arnold family - Connie, Jeff & their 6 kids (ages 16 & 13). Yes, you read that right, 6 kids, 5 of which are 13 years old. Connie & Jeff are the parents of quintuplets, and a 16 year old.

When we had our consult meeting, Connie wanted to know how the kids should dress, and I told her to let them be themselves. If they wanted a "dressy" family pic, then come with a more dressy option for each of them, but let them stay true to how they would dress. She did a great job - each kid def has their own style, and their outfits projected this perfectly!

I can't imagine having 6 kids (and umm, 5 at the same time) - I can't even imagine having 2 kids, and I'm well on my way! When Connie told me the story of "discovering" there were 5 in there, I was in awe. She basically said that every time they went in to the doctor, they would tell them there was another baby in there - and at some point, you just say "um, sure", because... what else can you do? 13 years later, all 5 kiddos are healthy, happy and pretty darn cute. And, older brother Nathan survived to tell the tale of growing up with 5 little siblings.

Enjoy your preview, guys - I had a blast at our session!

The Arnold brood ;)







... and of course, I can't forget Maya, the family pooch :)


Meg Drew said...

I love the one of all the quints holding hands!! SO cool - you can see their individual style - yet they all come together... tear! love it! Keep up the awesome work Shan!!

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