February 23, 2011

Ryan turns 2 (sigh...) - Milwaukee Children's Photographer

We met Ryan back when he was just 6 months old. He is a few months older than Grayson, so I always love my sessions with him, as they give me a little insight as to what I can look forward to in the next month or 2. But, at the same time, they make me sad - he seems to have grown up so quickly, and that means so has Grayson :(

Ryan's family is expecting baby #2 (a little lady) at the end of March, so we are essentially on the same life path. I'm super excited to meet this little girl and to see Ryan in action as a big brother!

dFor Ryan's 2 year session, we started at home. Ryan has always been quite shy of the camera, so we thought keeping him in his own element might be helpful. If there is any testament to how "big boy" Ryan is becoming, he warmed up to me within minutes and was super smiley for the camera - he even showed me his playroom all on his own!

We also hit up a fire station, which I think had Ryan a bit overwhelmed - SO many different kinds of trucks, lights, and a huge open area to explore! I definitely got a workout in chasing little man around and around - Snowplow! Ambulance! Mail truck (which was actually an ambulance, but resembled a very large mail truck)! Good times. A big thanks to the Waukesha Fire Department for giving us a great tour!

We ended the session once more at home - where Ryan got a little silly, and gave me some of the days best smiles. He even gave me a hug at the end of the session (and said my name!).

Oh buddy, I can't believe you are 2 already....

Super cool train table

Fire station = super serious expressions

Mean mugging, even

Until they let him drive the ambulance :)

Check out at that vertical


Soon, there will be 4 in this pic :)


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