February 26, 2011

my project 52 - week 8

Admittedly, this week's photo is nothing special. Well, I mean, its special to me - every photo of my little man is special to me (seriously, I have issues with deleting, but thats for another time), but the photo itself - from an artist's perspective - nothing to be proud of.

What I am proud of is what lead up to the photo. I was having a session for the son of one of my good friends. He and Grayson are about 4 months apart - and at this age, are becoming buddies. Thats right, my "little" boy has friends. And not the forced, "look how cute when we lay them on the blanket together at a month old" kind of friends - real bonds that he is forming with other kids all on his own. He plays, he mimics, he makes his own fun with other kids (and no help from mom, sad... but happy!). It is amazing to watch. I feel like I say that a lot about my kid, but I'm in constant awe of him. Sorry! Can't help it.

But back to the photo... Mr. Owen (the subject of the actual session) was a bit rambunctious, so getting him to sit still  proved difficult. To save both myself and his mama (who is also prego with #2) some energy, I asked Grayson to sit down for me, so I could light test. And, without a 2nd thought, he did. He walked over, sat nicely and stayed until I told him it was ok to get up. He actually listened very well for the entire session - despite the tremendous overstimulation I can only imagine that another child's presence provides.

If that isn't proof enough that he is making the transition to big kid - just look at the photo... who IS this kid? He looks like he's AT LEAST 4 ;)

buds :)


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