February 16, 2011

nolan - milwaukee baby photographer

Since his last couple of sessions were done at home, Nolan {and mom & dad too} made the trip to el studio de Wucherer for some 6 month portraits. 

Now, I've had some luck with this kid. He slept throughout his entire newbie session, and smiles, smiles, smiles were all I got at 3 months. This time, he was slightly more serious, but I didn't really read into it... we were at a new place, and there were a bunch of weird lights shining in his face. Nothing about his behavior was even close to crabby, however, Jen {mommy} wrote me later that night to let me know that Nolan was definitely teething - and he was at his best {by FAR} all day at the photoshoot. 

Poor little guy :( He was such a little champ regardless. 

Jen & Chad - Nolan is just too handsome :) I hope those teething tablets are helping you get some sleep over there! 


Nolan definitely loves his daddy!

wittle businessman :)

sophie! he kinda used her as a teether though :)

his first time playing with a football, and he LOVED it!

oh, the things we make babies do...



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