February 17, 2011

mason at 1 - milwaukee children's photographer

My 2nd Mason this month :) This little guy is the cousin of Connor, who I shot 3 month photos for a few weeks ago.

Quite the little flirt, it wasn't hard to get Mr. Mason to smile coyly for the camera. It was, however, a bit  difficult to get him to sit still. But, at 1, I expected nothing less and was fully prepared to spend the morning waddling around his house after him :) Mason put on quite the chase, stopping now and then to play with his toy phone, or a few of the "toys" I'd brought along.

Check the outfits on this kiddo - quite the dapper little fellow. Those green chinos, be still my heart!

He must have really worn himself out - at the end of our session, Mom put him into his highchair and started feeding him lunch, and as we chatted for a few minutes, we watched him completely zonked out in the middle of eating - I really only thought that happened on AFV (bonus points if you are a dork like me and you know what AFV is :)

these sleepy eyes may have bee a good indication that Mason was "done"



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