On Saturday, we FINALLY got to meet little Brianna and her family. Baby girl and big sister Gabby were perfectly adorable little models [nice work, Mom & Dad!]. Brianna slept for a majority of the shoot, but woke up long enough to give us just a few awake shots - exactly what we're looking for from a newbie. 4-1/2 year old Gabby, quite the proud big sister, warmed up to us quickly. The age gap between the 2 made for some really nice big sister/little sister shots... and also made me think that perhaps 4 years between children isn't a bad idea :)
Congrats again you guys! Enjoy your preview...
PS - Gabby... how was Beauty and the Beast?!?
Big sister Gabby. Quite the cute little smirk.
Itty bitty... Just under 6 pounds - AND still more hair than Ella & Grayson combined.

Eyes open!

This picture makes my heart happy. SO cute.
OMGosh, Shannon, these are just beautiful! We cannot wait to see the rest! -mf
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