March 17, 2011

my project 52 - week 12

Still. No. Baby. Nevermind that every client (except for one - hi Angie!), friend and family member who I know was expecting a March bambino has already had theirs (weeks in advance, even!)

Dag, yo. I'm way past antsy over here.

I've had plenty of days filled with contractions (or at least I THINK they are contractions - this is my 2nd baby, you'd think I'd know...), where I've told myself "Ok, house is clean, bags are packed, today was a great day with Grayson - I'm ready", and then the contractions will subside and the day will pass with nothing. And onto the next day when the house is once again a disaster, the fridge is emptying, and my hospital bag has been packed for so long, that I've had to ransack it to find my comfy pants (more than once).

Sigh... Tom Petty had it right - it most definitely IS the hardest part.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This wins most adorable nursery...hands down!

Meg said...

Beautiful nursery! Your little girl will be here soon and you'll forget about all of the pain and waiting. I never believed that until now!

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