February 3, 2011

Connor - MIlwaukee Baby Photographer

I've had a lot of baby boy sessions lately - blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby boys to boot :) I got to meet Mr. Connor when his parents brought him to the studio for some 3 month pics.

As with a lot of my 3-6 month old clients, Connor was all smiles for me when we took him out of his carrier. But, add the lights, unfamiliar territory and the pressure of a camera, and his smiles turned to mostly looks of curiosity. Luckily, he had some really nice eyebrow raising going on - and it worked for him :)

Mom had brought a really great prop, too - what I like to call an Elmer Fudd hat. Parents, I can't stress enough how fun it is to incorporate your own little touches into your session. I have a lot of props on hand, but its always nice to have something "you" - they are your memories after all.

Enjoy your preview guys!

Do you LOVE his hair?!

We were able to illicit a few smiles...

Mainly though, I got this look - which in and of itself is cute :)

Wabbit season :)


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