September 2, 2010

lily & connor - milwaukee family photographer

How to describe my session with Lily & Connor... unpredictable. These 2 adorable kiddos were tough to crack. Lily, almost 2, definitely had her own agenda. She only smiled at her own discretion, and I THINK she was worrying her mother that the session may be ruined because of it.

BUT... every so often, she'd do THIS:

and THIS:

and what more could you ask for??

Connor, 4 months old, was super happy when he was being held by dad. He smiled like crazy for me. Until I pulled out the camera. Then, he got really serious on me. His expression was a pretty consistent this:

Luckily, those baby blues are precious, serious or not :)

And, when someone would play with him, he'd perk up:

Family shots were a tad bit crazy, trying to get Lily to sit still long enough to get Connor to look was quite the challenge... but sometimes, when I'm on the verge of giving up...

everyone looks, and the world is right again!

... and SOMETIMES, you only need 1 person to look to make a photo perfect :)


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