August 25, 2010

grant, brenna & owen - milwaukee family photographer

Saturday morning, I headed out to Muskego for a big family session. Jamie, who had heard about us thru  my pal Anne (Kohls shout out) wanted to get some photos of her parents with their 3 grandkiddos.

Aside from sweating from the heat (at 9am no less!), Brenna, Grant and Owen were super easy to work with. Kick a ball to them, play peek a boo over the camera, let them dig in some dirt - and they were HAPPY.

Enjoy your preview, guys!

Owen - being a dude.

Brenna was pretty serious, but when I busted out peek a boo, she perked right up :)

Grant was so helpful - I think everyone should bring a 10 year old boy to their sessions.

The sisters and their little ones (because that picture in mom& dad's dining room has got to go! LOL)

Love this - stealing it for my next family shoot.

Brenna & Daddy

This cracked me up - apparently somebody's gotta do the dirty work on Sesame Street.


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