July 13, 2010

Danny, Charlie & Eleanor - Milwaukee Family Photographer

I met Charlie & Eleanor back in June when their Mom, Molly contacted me to have pics done - you may remember them as the 2 most adorable siblings on the planet...

This go 'round, cousin Danny joined us for some pics - he was in town all the way from the east coast! At almost 2 and a half, Danny was SUCH a sweetie - quiet, shy, but more than willing to tell me all about his airplane ride, and happy to hold my hand as I walked him out to the front to watch the garbage truck go by :)

Grandma & Grandpa joined us for a few shots as well - special thanks to their neighbor for letting us borrow her yard. Enjoy your preview!

such well-dressed kiddos!

Danny [and bear] :)

Seiously, is he not the sweetest?

my new favorite thing is having boys put their hands in their pockets - 
they look like such little men!

Charlie - goof ball.

Eleanor with THE BEST fake laugh ever photographed.

I've been told that being a Grandparent is even better than being a parent...
Grandma & Grandpas out there - true?


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