March 21, 2010

Baby Klemmer

Saturday was belly day :) We went from McDeux's maternity session - to the Klemmer household. Kristin & Jeff are expecting baby numero uno in May. Momma has about 8 weeks to go - and she is super tiny still. So tiny, that we had to keep telling her to grip the belly, so you could, ya know, TELL she was prego :)

Mom & Dad-to-be are both Marquette grads. We couldn't place eachother, but since we have a number of mutual friends, I'm sure we'd crossed paths on one or two [ahem, hazey] nights at good ol' MU. A family friend had made Baby Klemmer a bunch of Marquette onesies - including one that read "Class of 2032" - which not only made me feel CRAZY old, but also freaked me out - Grayson will be class of 2031 - or class of 2032, if he decides to go the 5 plan ;)

Joining in on the session was Leinie, Kristin & Jeff's 3 year old yellow lab. SUCH a good boy - and very lovey dovey, he wanted to be in every picture. He was really good at modeling too. Anytime we pointed the camera his way, his ears perked up, tongue came out - I wish my dogs were this photogenic.

Kristin, Jeff - enjoy your preview and your last few weeks as a twosome. We can't wait to meet little baby Klemmer!


oh, Leinie - you are going to be such a good big brother... 
and you may have a future in dog modeling.

Kristin - you pretty much define the term "pregnant glow".

there's a baby in there, I swear.

sorry for making you lay on the floor.

the gender neutral [and don't even get me started on how hard it is to 
make a "gender neutral"] nursery


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